Experience Estella Kuchta's stark and stunning depiction of an escape through the Canadian wilderness. A poetic and passionate novel of survival.

"At dawn, the blue spark of Venus pierced the horizon. If I were still at the ranch, I'd be sifting through the stove, hoping to find one red ember so I could start the day's fire. Instead, I stared up at the dented-tin sky and let myself dream about a cowboy. The one who was the only ember in all the ash I'd made of my life."

When daydream meets intuition, a young ranch wife's life turns upside down. Fleeing a dangerous husband, she steals away with her young daughter on a wild and unexpected adventure through Depression-era cowboy country in central British Columbia. All the while, she longs to reunite with the cowboy who compels her heart. One escape leads to another as she encounters wild animals, stunning landscapes, suspect businessmen, hunger, abandonment, loneliness, and love. She has nothing to guide her but a strange inner impulse that seems to know the way... if only she can trust it.

Praise for Finding the Daydreamer

"With grace and poetic insight, Finding the Daydreamer explores the power of imagination and the prescience of the heart. It is a page turner, a love story, a profoundly affecting book."
-Donna Kane, author of Summer of the Horse

"This beautiful and poetic story is a quick wind moving through the imagination. It arises out of the memory and dream of the obligations to life in right relationship. Its insights both color and cut through the layers of forgetting brought upon this continent, the forgetting brought by control of women, water, land and sky, all the doorways to life. Its clear and vivid images of people moving in the surrounding world of Nature reveal the layers of that obsession, and at the same time they lead the way to the necessity of remembering a better, truer way to be. The brilliant young mother at the heart of the story, the storyteller herself, gives testimony to the insistence and courage it takes to find and live a life of dignity, trust, and respect. In this, she keeps the dream alive of what it means to be truly human, which is to love."
-Stan Rushworth, Citizen of the Chiricahua Apache Nation, author of Going to Water: The Journal of Beginning Rain

"The poetic imagery invites the reader to savor every sensory experience as if it were her own. When I find a book I enjoy, I will read it several times, like visiting with an old friend. Finding the Daydreamer will become one of those books."
-Laura Emerson, author of The Delegates of 1849

"Exquisite imagery drew me in, words painted on a canvas captivated me, and the unexpected turns in the story had me on the edge of my seat!"
-T.L. Fladager, Peerless, Montana

Estella Kuchta is a writer, researcher, and post-secondary instructor in Vancouver, Canada. Her creative writing and journalism projects have been published, aired, and broadcast in newspapers and literary magazines, and on radio and TV in Canada and the United States. She earned a BFA in Creative Writing and MA in Literature from the University of British Columbia where she won several awards for writing. Her website is https://estellakuchta.com/.

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Elm Books is an independent publisher based in Laramie, Wyoming. We publish novels, short stories, and children's books with an emphasis on diversity and marginalized voices.